
Monday, 28 November 2016

Go and get that Mesa Boogie sound for 9 bucks! Plugin Alliance Brainworx Black Friday

Hi everyone!
If you're a guitar player or a producer, I have a tip for you.
I'm no more into the Gear Acquisition Syndrome, but I'm still obsessed by the offers that many companies run during Black Friday and all that crap. Some are just scam, some others are absolutely stunning and totally worth the price.
Even if I'm not a big fan of the well known Mesa Boogie sound.
Even if  I am a happy Native Instruments Guitar Rig user.
Even If a own a top class chain to record the real thing and I love it (yes, I'm 40 I was born with the real thing).
Well, I had the chance to buy the Plugin-Alliance / Brainworx  bx_Megasingle for 29 bucks some months ago.
No bullshit and no fancy, just a guitar amp.
It lacks of reverb, it lacks of tuner and the included delay is just meaningless to me.
Some people say it has some bugs too, and that it can crash the system, but everything seems to work fine for me.
That said.
The sound is just amazing.
You can buy it until tomorrow for 9 bucks (instead of 149)
No, seriously. 9 bucks. 8 €.
So, if you're a guitar player or into production, act now, go and grab that fucking Mesa amp direct into your bedroom, your home studio or professional studio.
Please do it.
You won't be disappointed.
It simply blow away all the rock/metal amp you have with sophisticated guitar suites such as Guitar Rig and Amplitube for 1/20 of the price.
Do it!
You will have fun, I promise.
And if don't like it, ok guys, it's the price of 5 picks, let's say I'll pay you a beer if we meet around.

Monday, 14 November 2016

YouTube e l'etica delle lezioni di chitarra: Decadence Dance by Nuno Bettencourt

Il bello di fare lezione a quelli che suonano bene, è anche essere "costretti" a rispolverare dei riff della madonna datati 1990 e rendersi conto di averli suonati per 26 anni leggermente diversi.
Anzi diciamolo: sbagliati.
Di poco, ma sbagliati.
Ma che ci vuoi fare, mica c'era YouTube.
C'era il vinile e l'olio di gomito, la puntina su e giù per delle mezze giornate cercando di beccare sempre lo stesso solco o quasi. Nella migliore delle ipotesi c'era una  trascrizione ufficiale di Wolf Marshall pagata quanto un distorsore della DOD.
Dal video qui sopra mi sono accorto del mio piccolo errore.
Adesso che vedo quel riff suonato da chi di dovere mi sembra la cosa più ovvia del mondo, ma è un po' come andare a leggere la soluzione a pagina 46 della Settimana Enigmistica e poi dire "Lo sapevo"

Una regia pessima, una fotografia agghiacciante, un Nuno Bettencourt simpatico come la forfora nel minestrone.
Eppure dice una cosa interessantissima. Ovvero che la mancanza di materiale didattico video di un tempo obbligava i veri appassionati a tirarsi giù le parti di chitarra ad orecchio ed in maniera assolutamente personale. Era impossibile sapere esattamente cosa facessero davvero i mostri sacri del calibro di Van Halen. Nella ricerca stessa c'era un allenamento dell'orecchio migliore di qualunque altra scuola, e nell'esecuzione personale (ovvero sbagliata) si celavano le basi di uno stile chitarristico personale anziché un esercito di cloni.
Un grazie ai miei allievi che mi obbligano a tenere alta la soglia di attenzione e la curiosità.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Pellegrino - Carl Sagan live set : Ableton, Novation Launchpad and AKAI MPD 32

OK, OK, this post is not guitar-related.
But maybe you know I run and indie label with some friends of mine, and this guy called Pellegrino has just joined our roster.

This video is a preview of how his live-set will look like.
An Ableton Live Session with some controllers like the well known Novation Launchpad and the AKAI MPD32.
Images, animations and light show will be part of the performance.

Straight from the Lady Lovely website:
"Carl Sagan" is a tribute to the well known astronomer (born in Brooklyn on the 9th of November 1934), who wrote "Reflections on a grain of Dust" which inspired the musician Marco Pellegrino's work. The description of the last photograph of the Earth taken in 1990 from the spacecraft Voyager 1 from a distance of six billion miles from Earth is the starting point a journey into darkness, floating in outer space. Pellegrino is a musician and video maker. He tells the story of Sagan using an eclectic, coded message which is Intense and dreamlike using images, sound and light and shade. Marco Pellegrino was born in Novara, Italy and now lives in Rome. 

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Elle(s): le théâtre de Sylvie Landuyt en France cette semaine

 more info

J'ai composé les musiques de cette pièce avec grand plaisir.
Je joue de la guitare électrique sur scène avec les 2 comediennes Sylvie Landuyt et Jessica Fanhan.
Cette semaine on est en France pour 2 spectacles:

4 Novembre - Le Polaris, Corbas
5 Novembre - La Soyerie, Faverges

Voilà les 3 reprises qu'il y a dans la pièce, et le morceau à moi qui termine le spectacle: